
Network of Professional Therapists and Counselors for all your Psycho-Social needs specific for those with Behavioral Wellness and all Substance Use Disorders

Treatment specialization includes:

  • Counseling for addiction, depression and anxiety
  • Initial Assessments, full Treatment Plans & weekly written Progress Notes.
  • Parenting Support
  • Grief Counseling
  • Psycho-Social Support (i.e. education, work and career issues, housing, family)
  • Addiction Triggers, and Stress Management
  • Addiction, Recovery & Subsequent Medical Care Case management & Coordination
  • Conflict Resolution

We work with a wide range of your underlying emotional and behavioral issues to addiction by providing services that span from therapy for depression and grief counseling to parenting support, couples counseling and beyond.  ProWellness Academy provides a comfortable and supportive atmosphere in one of our neighboring offices  and we also offer Virtual Counseling for 1:1 Telehealth sessions in the privacy of your home.  For the home bound, and for your weekly convenience, ProWellness Academy seamlessly sends you a link to your computer, to aid you in your own virtual connection with your specialist in real time. Our professional team of counselors and therapists offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each client's individual needs to help attain the personal growth each person is striving for.

Contact us for your FREE Assessment

Pro Wellness Academy Counseling Locations

Counseling Near you OR we also have VIRTUAL

Office Hours

ProWellness Academy


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

